Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Pablo Iranzo GómezPablo Iranzo Gómez is a software engineer whose Linux exposure began while studying physics, a period during which he was also involved in LUGs and some projects related to HPC clusters and system administration and consultancy. Currently, he is a seior software engineer in Red Hat's SolEng department, focusing on OpenShift, with experience in consulting, cloud technical account management, OpenStack software maintenance in industries such as hospitality, retail, airlines, government, telco, 5G, partners, and IT, covering system administration and automation, virtualization, PaaS, support, the cloud, and so on, having a broad understanding of different views, needs, and risks across the industry. Pablo was born and lives in Valencia, Spain with his family. Read More Read Less

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Administration - Second Edition1 % NR
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18 Nov 2022
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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 AdministrationNR
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