P Ya Ufimtsev

P Ya UfimtsevPyotr Ya. Ufimtsev, Ph.D. D.Sc. has been recognized for his outstanding work in the theory of diffraction and propagation of electromagnetic and acoustic waves. Among his groundbreaking results are the theory of diffraction at black bodies, the physial theory of diffraction, and the discovery of new phenomena related to surface waves in absorbing layers. Dr. Ufimtsev was affiliated with a number of research and academic institutions, including the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow), the Moscow Aviation Institute, the University of California at Los Angeles and Irvine. Among Dr. Ufimtsev's many honors and awards are the USSR State Prize and the Leroy Randle Grumman Medal. Read More Read Less

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Theory of Edge Diffraction in Electromagnetics24 % NR
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Theory Of Edge Diffraction In Electrmagnitics Origination And Validation Of The Physical Theory Of Diffraction48 %
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Teoriya difraktsionnyh kraevyh voln v elektrodinamikeNR
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