P J SmithOn The Author, By The Author I started writing very early in life, weaving short stories, and creating a virtual army of signature characters. If there was one particular activity that contributed the most to my writing and desire to become a weaver f tales, it would have to be good old-fashioned Dungeons and Dragons. I spent a large portion of my adolescence crafting collaborative stories with my friends and family, often finding myself in the Game Master's chair. It cannot be overstated how essential the skills I learned while Role-Playing are to my author's journey. The first ideas for A World Gone Wrong surfaced over twenty years ago when I was starting High School. For years I developed the story in my spare time, creating a world, its villain, and its various heroes. At first, it was a fantasy but slowly meandered its way into the Sci-Fi Epic that it is today. Despite the changes, there was always a protagonist named John, an antagonist called Xavier Ronyn, and an Illuminati style organization known as the CORPS. Eventually, the story found some coherency, and I began to build a world. The World Gone Wrong itself is truly massive, with a large amount of fleshed out details that will produce stories for years to come. Unfortunately for all of us, life can make achieving our dreams difficult. I became a father of a beautiful girl and a handsome boy. Like most blue-collar Americans, much of my time was spent working, being a dad, and generally not writing. Unfortunately, in March 2017, my ability to work would come screeching to a halt when a construction-site accident left me physically mangled; nine months later, I would lose my lower-right leg. Suddenly faced with a large amount of free time spent relegated to a bed or chair, I began to write again. Within a year, the first draft of A World Gone Wrong was nearly complete, and I was suddenly faced with the realization of a dream: to become a published author. Now I study computer science and continue to work on the series. There are plans for novels, novellas, collections of short stories, and even my very own Pen and Paper RPG. The future is bright, and I hope to have you, dear reader, along for the journey. Read More Read Less