Okema Seven Gunn

Okema Seven GunnAuthor Okema "Seven" Gunn is a journalist, award-winning educator, and filmmaker, who is passionate about creating stories that embody a kaleidoscope of lenses from the African Diaspora. Okema is the founder and director of 7 Gunn Media. She has beenan educator for several years in New York City and the Chicagoland area. She has a Bachelor's degree in psychology and a Master's degree in Secondary Education in Social Studies. The Chocolate Houses We Build is Okema Gunn's first published book. It is the first in a series of upcoming poetry books: "The Anthology of Okema 'Seven' Gunn". Read More Read Less

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Chocolate Houses We Build3 % NR
Publisher: 7 Gunn Media
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25 Jul 2023
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