Norman Duchesneau

Norman DuchesneauNorman Duchesneau has worked in law enforcement since he was 19 years old. His career has wound its way through many roles: call taker, cadet, patrolman, investigator, detective, and trainer. Of all of these, he is most proud to have been a patrolmanbecause it was that role where he was able to affect the most lives, and believes that he helped the most people. It is also where he has had the most fun. He loves his family and pets, and credits his wife, Michelle, with much of his success. It is because she believes in me that I find the courage to do what I do, he often says. Norman is a nerd and wears that badge as proudly as his police badge. He loves comics and superheroes--Batman most specifically. His on-going love of Tabletop RPGs has lasted longer that his career. It started before and if he has any say in the matter will continue beyond. He still works the streets, and if it is late at night, when you read this, he may well be patrolling his city now. He hopes you laugh as you read this. He does love to get a laugh. Read More Read Less

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