Nola Lucas

Nola LucasNola Lucas is a writer and speaker who is committed to encouraging respectful dialogue that leads to a deeper understanding of each other and the world in which we all live in. She believes that heart to heart connections is everything, irrespective f the topic."The human experience is vast and complex and while we all share our common humanity, for various different reasons that reflect the harsh realities of a society in conflict, we walk through our existence in very different ways. To address and transform these realities, takes understanding, empathy, and the willingness to have an open mind and most importantly, an open heart to take on new information which is often uncomfortable and challenging, however, I believe that our human hearts have the capacity for limitless expansion and when we embrace and overcome our wonderful differences, we can do anything. " Nola Lucas Read More Read Less

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Little Book of Peace3 % NR
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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31 Dec 2021
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