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Nneoma Michelle Egeonu

Nneoma Michelle EgeonuNneoma Michelle Egeonu is an Amazon bestselling author, a poet and a graduate of Applied Microbiology and Brewing from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria. In addition to fiction writing, she writes thought-provoking, non-fiction and poems. Nneoa's stories cut across genres such as crime fiction, historical fiction and literary fiction. Her works have been published on notable literary magazines and websites such as Fiery Scribe Review, Medium and the Sixth Chinua Achebe Poetry/Essay Anthology. Her poem won an award as one of the most outstanding entries. Nneoma's debut work, an anthology of short stories titled "NIGHTMARE IN SICILY" is enjoyed by readers across the globe and was officially included in a post-graduate exam scheme at Imo State University, Nigeria. Furthermore, NIGHTMARE IN SICILY was a FINALIST for the ABUBAKAR GIMBA PRIZE FOR SHORT STORIES organised by the Association of Nigerian Authors. Nneoma is currently doing her Masters in the United Kingdom. When she is not writing and reading, she enjoys dancing, singing, travelling as well as watching thriller TV shows. Read More Read Less

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