Niwdog Asira

Niwdog AsiraOrdained a deacon in 1994, Godwin Arisa was a worship leader for 12 years, and served as Vice Chair of the board of deacons, and occasional featured speaker during Sunday services. All of this began following an encounter with a power he never knew eisted. Godwin is an ex-co-founder and pastor of, International Church of the Nazarene, Richardson, Texas. He's an accountant by profession, and a father of three adult children. At this time in his life, Godwin is focusing his energies into writing, teaching, and speaking about things learned in pursuit of the truths that all things revolve around what the creator has already done. According to him, the core of this message is that because he made everything in love, God has positioned everyone to succeed in any area of need when you follow his blueprint. Read More Read Less

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