Nindyl TraversNindyl Travers is a young prophetess called by Almighty God, she has a true servant's heart, and a great desire to see all those that are loss won to Jesus Christ. She is a true intercessor, who has a burning desire to pray and worship God. Nindyl wa born in Nicaragua and is also of German decent, as a child in her beloved homeland she was daddy's little princess, and was given everything her little heart desired. Her father Douglas Travers and her beautiful mother Olga Zeledon Travers loved and adore their little princess, but things in her life were about to change drastically when at the age of seventeen she comes to America, and a very tedious and sometimes dangerous adventure begins. Sometime when we think we are on a journey looking for love, we run right into Jesus the one and only love above all loves. Her heart's desire is to be used by God, to glorify God and His kingdom, and to serve God, and mankind on His behalf, when you read this book, you are literally reading the real pages of her heart and life, and just like one of her life impact moments, when she had a gun put to her head and thought she was about to die, she screamed Jesus I'm Yours, as God delivered her then, this is still her hearts cry, Jesus I'm All Yours, be blessed as your read her beautiful adventure and discovers that it was all By God's Design. Read More Read Less
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