Nick Ionescu

Nick IonescuNicholas Ionescu has been a poet, for most of his life. He first started writing, at the young age, of nine years old. Being an avid, reader, he excelled in literary courses, and did, exceptionally well, within the arts. A firm believer, in fluid comunication, he has always, followed the beat, of his heart, when dealing with people, from all walks, of life. His love for poetry, came at an early age, when he first, read Romeo & Juliet, by Shakespeare. He has, since, participated in theatre arts, both in high school, and college. Being an empath, has helped him gain, the ability of understanding people's needs, and emotions. Poetry has served, as a creative outlet, for him to further expound on, the already, fluid expression, of emotions, as he rose to new heights, being a newly established, author. This book, serves as a catalyst, for people, like himself, who find themselves, on a lifelong quest, to find their soulmate, and one, true love! Divinely guided, by the hands, of fate. A true blessing, from the heavens, above! Read More Read Less

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Reflections of the Heart a Love EnflamedNR
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