Nick Dux

Nick DuxNick Dux is a Resilience Coach, specialising in building Resilience in Primary aged children. Through Transformative Communication, an approach created by Nick, he is training education professionals to communicate with children in a way that helps tem to; build positive resilience, realise their potential, overcome setbacks, improve relationships, take responsibility for their actions, increase their comfort zone and learn how to work both collaboratively and independently within the classroom environment. Nick encourages the teams he works with to focus on building an empowered inner voice in children. When the inner voice is empowered, so too is a child's ability to be Resilient and then we see a positive difference in behaviour. It is Nick's passion that children leave Primary school with the knowledge of what makes them special and fully aware of the strengths they have and can draw upon as they progress to High school and beyond. Nick asserts that children are fine until they are defined by the conditions set by adults and the world they are born into. In changing our communication style as adults, we can see children flourish into the unstoppable, free spirits we want them to be. Read More Read Less

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