Nick Arnett

Nick ArnettNick Arnett is a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) leader and instructor, fire chaplain, wildland firefighter/EMT, and former software founder/executive, journalist, and paramedic with experience in domestic and internationa disaster response in medical, communications, crisis intervention, and chaplain roles. He has led hundreds of crisis intervention responses with the Bay Area CISM Team for schools, the public, and first responder agencies, including as a consultant to California's state fire department and other public safety agencies. He is a member of the California Fire Chaplain Association, the executive board of the California Peer Support Association, and co-chair of Santa Clara County's Collaborating Agencies Disaster Response Effort's pandemic emotional/spiritual response. He received a Volunteer of the Year award from the Santa Clara County Emergency Managers Association in 2012. Arnett's pocket reference guide, "Stress Management and Crisis Response," is used by hundreds of public safety agencies, chaplains, and other front-line responders. He is also the author of "Resilience During the Pandemic," an Amazon bestseller in short self-help books. Read More Read Less

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Close-Up on War: The Story of Pioneering Photojournalist Catherine Leroy in Vietnam
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Stress Into Strength46 % NR
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01 Aug 1996
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