Nichole Haines31. El clima está inestable. - The weather is unstable. (ehl klee-mah ehs-tah ee-nehs-tah-bleh) 32. Hace bochorno. - It's muggy. (ah-seh boh-chor-noh) 33. Hay rocío. - There's dew. (eye roh-see-oh) 34. Hay una ola de calor. - There's a heatwave. (eyeoo-nah oh-lah deh kah-lor) 35. Hace viento fresco. - It's breezy. (ah-seh vee-ehn-toh fres-koh) 36. Está parcialmente nublado. - It's partly cloudy. (ehs-tah pahr-see-ahl-mehn-teh noo-blah-doh) 37. Hay una tormenta eléctrica. - There's a thunderstorm. (eye oo-nah tor-mehn-tah eh-lehk-tree-kah) 38. Hace mucho frío. - It's very cold. (ah-seh moo-choh free-oh) 39. Está despejado con algunas nubes. - It's clear with some clouds. (ehs-tah dehs-peh-hah-doh kohn ahl-goo-nahs noo-bes) 40. Hay llovizna. - There's drizzle. (eye yoh-vee-znah) 41. Hace buen clima. - The weather is nice. (ah-seh bwehn klee-mah) 42. Está fresco y agradable. - It's cool and pleasant. (ehs-tah fres-koh ee ah-gray-dah-bleh) 43. Hay un frente cálido. - There's a warm front. (eye oon frehn-teh kahl-ee-doh) 44. Hace mucho calor. - It's very hot. (ah-seh moo-choh kah-lor) 45. Hay una cortina de lluvia. - There's a curtain of rain. (eye oo-nah kor-tee-nah deh yoh-vee-ah) 46. Hace buen tiempo para salir. - It's good weather to go out. (ah-seh bwehn tee-ehm-poh pah-rah sah-leer) 47. Está despejado y soleado. - It's clear and sunny. (ehs-tah dehs-peh-hah-doh ee soh-leh-ah-doh) 23. Wie viel kostet das? - How much does it cost? (vee feel kostet das) 24. Darf ich das nächste Thema ansprechen? - May I address the next topic? (darf ikh das neh-ste tay-mah ahn-shpreh-khen) 25. Wir benötigen weitere Informationen. - We need more information. (veer ben-øt-ti-gen vy-ter-eh in-fo-rmah-tsi-ohn-en) 26. Lassen Sie uns eine Lösung finden. - Let's find a solution. (lah-sen zee oons ayn-eh lew-zung fin-den) 27. Wir müssen unsere Ziele erreichen. - We need to achieve our goals. (veer myoo-sen ow-reh tsie-le eh-rey-chen) 28. Das ist unser Hauptfokus. - That is our main focus. (das ist oons-er howpt-fo-kus) 29. Ich habe Bedenken wegen... - I have concerns about... (ikh ha-buh beh-den-ken veh-gen) 30. Können wir das in einer Besprechung klären? - Can we discuss this in a meeting? (koe-nen veer das in ayn-er be-spreh-kung kla-ren) 31. Ich stimme Ihnen zu. - I agree with you. (ikh shtim-me ee-nen tsoo) 32. Das ist nicht umsetzbar. - That's not feasible. (das ist nikht oom-sets-bar) Read More Read Less
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