Nicholas Tombs

Nicholas TombsI am an artist as well as an inventor. I work in whatever medium will get me the end result. Writing is one of those mediums. With an artistic education from high school I work primarily with aesthetic's, proportion and functionality. In my world thre is no box. I have been designing and building projects all my life. I grew up in the town of Parksville, British Columbia, in a family where my Dad was an entrepreneur/inventor and my parents were self-employed up until their retirement. I learned to weld and fabricate at age 15 enabling me to build my 1927 roadster pick up Hot Rod. I have created 2 unique Halloween costumes, one being an old school Mob Hit complete with concrete shoes, the other being an Army Ant, an amalgamation of a soldier and the insect. The current costume is an Interstellar Bounty Hunter. I've been in a variety of different work environments since the age of 14. From my first job busing tables in a restaurant to working in a shop that hand manufactured oars and paddles. In the early 1990's I worked as a Special Effects Make-up Artist in the Vancouver film industry. In the early 2000's I worked as an Assistant manager for an industrial supply company. Since 2004 I have been a certified welder. Creative problem solving, designing and building projects is what I enjoy. I take pride in seeing a project through to the end. I use all of my past experiences to ensure a functional and aesthetically pleasing final product. I have the ability to design a project keeping in mind how to make it manufacturable if need be, functional, more efficient and aesthetically pleasing. The experience in Love On Line? came about by chance. Once I was able to separate my emotions from the personality I came to know I was able to turn this story into a book. I had saved all our conversations and once I was able to organize them and include my thoughts along the way it evolved into a really great story. I hope you enjoyed it. Read More Read Less

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Love On Line? A Tale Of Internet Dating11 % NR
Publisher: Draft2digital
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11 Jan 2024
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Adventures of Maritime Domain Awareness Man6 % NR
Publisher: Bookbaby
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06 Dec 2024
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