Nicholas Kyriacos

Nicholas KyriacosNicholas Kyriacos taught English for 40 years to students aged between 11 to 18 prior to retiring in 2019. Billy's Tree, his first novel, deals with the impossibility of escaping your past and the need to confront injustices. His second novel, The Fal of Donnald Trummp, Sarrah Pallin, Hillary Clinnton, Anon 1488 ... and The Rise of The Coyote! is an irreverent, tragic and comic story which conveys a serious longing to rekindle an America which has betrayed its own ideals. Adam Dreamt, his third novel, was inspired by George Orwell's Animal Farm. It focuses on the inhabitants of an isolated ants' nest who are slowly destroying their own civilization. Ants with various characteristics are represented in this story: the philosopher Zekiel the Wise; Adam Ant, the environmentalist who sacrifices all for an ideal; the quixotic Young Nano, who hankers for a better world, and the ruthless ChairAnt of The Council of Elders, AyJay Heartland, whose only concern is power.Comparable works to Adam Dreamt are Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, for its magic realism and theme; George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm for style, theme and tone and F.Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, for its cautionary exploration of excess, greed and selfishness. Read More Read Less

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Fall of Donnald Trummp, Sarrah Pallin, Hillary Clinnton, Anon1488 . . . And the Rise of The Coyote!23 % NR
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Billy's Tree22 % NR
Publisher: Nicholas Kyriacos
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28 Mar 2023
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Adam Dreamt24 % NR
Publisher: Nicholas Kyriacos
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28 Mar 2023
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