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Nic Tompkins

Nic TompkinsNic Tompkins is a native Arizonan, born and bred, though in the middle of that were a lot of years living on a ranch in Nebraska. When she wasn't running wild in the desert, she was driving cattle across the Great Plains on an ATV. With countless auns, uncles, cousins, and siblings, she has been immersed in crazy life stories since before she can remember, and sometimes loses track if they were hers or somebody else's. All that wide-open nature and yarn-spinning sparked an imagination that never shuts down, and the only way to deal with that is to do the opposite: let it run and see where it goes. That's how anyone gets anywhere interesting, anyway. As a result of this, books are born and their characters are spontaneously added into conversations with real life people, which causes no end of confusion.Nic also has a lot of real life experience and a whole bunch of higher education, but tends to get lost in books and the great outdoors, so who knows if they actually do her any good. Read More Read Less

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Desert Dweller's Field Guide21 % NR
Publisher: Arrow T Press
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12 Dec 2022
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