Niall Mac Dowell

Niall Mac DowellDr Niall Mac Dowell is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Energy and Environmental Technology and Policy in the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London, where he currently leads the Clean Fossil and Bioenergy Research Group He is a Chartered Engineer with the Institution of Chemical Engineers and is on the Executive Board of the IChemE's Energy Centre, a member of the Technical Working Group of the CCSA and the ZEP on industrial decarbonisation and a member of the UKCCSRC. He currently leads a research group of 5 PDRAs, 10 PhD students all of whom are focused on technology development for climate change mitigation and has published work at the molecular, process and network scales in this context. He has given advice to DECC, the IEA, the ETI and the JRC and has travelled on behalf of the Foreign Office to China and Korea to promote low carbon power generation. He is currently the PI on the EPSRC-funded project MESMERISE-CCS and the IEA-funded project FlexEVAL and Co-I on the EPSRC-funded projects Opening Future Fuels and CCSInSupply and the UKCCSRC funded project BECCS-IL in addition to the FP7 Project CO2QUEST. He was awarded the 2010 Qatar Petroleum Prize and the 2015 IChemE Nicklin medal for research excellence in low carbon energy. Read More Read Less

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Greenhouse Gas Removal Technologies38 %
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12 Oct 2021
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Carbon Capture and Storage38 %
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