Nelson Naicker

Nelson NaickerNELSON NAICKER is married to Valerie. They have two children, Kimberly and Jordan, and a son-in-law, Sean. Nelson was trained at the Bethesda Bible College, and he has a bachelor of theology from UNISA. He has a master of divinity from the Church of od Theological Seminary (Cleveland, Tennessee) and a doctor of ministry from Asbury Theological Seminary (Wilmore, Kentucky). He was a part of the Beeson Pastor Program.He pastored the Nazareth Full Gospel Church in Durban, South Africa. Nelson lectured at the Bethesda Bible College in preaching and church history. He served as a chaplain of the University of Durban-Westville. He is the pastor of the El Bethel Assembly of God Church in Staten Island, New York City. Read More Read Less

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