Neddy Rodriguez

Neddy RodriguezNeddy Rodriguez comes from a special effects make-up artistry background. She currently owns a spa where she specializes in telling her sisters what's best for brown skin. Rodriguez teaches esthetic master classes and mentors fellow esthes - always tacking trends and keeping her finger on the pulse of the Latina spa and makeup scene.Together, they are Ask the Estheticians, an on-line resource for skincare enthusiasts salivating for epidermal elucidation. With the internet inundated with self-proclaimed beauty bloggers that often have no esthetic experience or science background, Rhines and Rodriguez offer hope as the messengers of solid, truthful answers to tough questions. If they're dishing advice, you best believe they've tried it, analyzed it, and wouldn't be sharing it if they didn't adore it themselves. Scrutiny and audacity - they're their middle names.With 40 years of combined scientific and beauty industry hands-on experience, Rhines and Rodriguez are the experts primed to deliver the most tell-all beauty book to date. Mash that up with some LA street smarts and a sprinkle of snark and you've got the first shockingly real read about the skin industry. Pull up your big girl chonies and dare to ask...because Face It! will certainly answer. Read More Read Less

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Face It! Harsh Skincare Truths Every Esthetician Should Know... And So Should YouNR
Publisher: Mindful Eve
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01 Jan 2022
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