Ned Feehally

Ned FeehallyNed Feehally is one of the world's top climbers and co-founder of Beastmaker, which manufactures wooden fingerboards and climbing training apparatus. He has been climbing for over twenty years, is a three-time British bouldering champion, has compete in world cup finals, and has been at the heart of pushing climbing standards in the UK over the last ten years. He is obsessive about data-led training but passionate about communicating what works and what doesn't to regular climbers, which is what led him to write Beastmaking. He has climbed multiple Font 8cs, and in 2017 he climbed Trust Issues in Rocklands on his first attempt, joining a very small group of climbers to have flashed Font 8b+. In 2020 he made the first ascent of The Boss, one of the hardest problems on gritstone. He lives in Sheffield with his partner, Shauna Coxsey. Read More Read Less

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16 Sep 2021
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Besser klettern - Fingerkraft trainieren, Ausdauer steigern, Technik optimieren: Mit Trainingstipps von den Kletterprofis Alex Honnold, Shauna Coxsey, Adam Ondra und anderenNR
International Edition
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Beastmaking: Un enfoque que da prioridad al entrenamiento de dedos para una mejora en la escalada
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