Nathaniel FarrellNathaniel Farrell was born and raised in Western Pennsylvania. He holds a doctorate in English Literature from Columbia University in New York City. He is the author of NEWCOMER (Ugly Duckling Presse)--a personae poem narrated by an anonymous soldierand set in an undefined military campaign--and LOST HORIZON (Ugly Duckling Presse), a long poem inspired by the American mall, interstate landscapes and suburban pastorals. He teaches composition at Washington University in St. Louis and hosts a weekly experimental music program on 88.1 KDHX, St. Louis' community-supported, freeform radio station. Farrell's poetry has been published in 6x6, New York Nights, Greetings Magazine, VLAK, The Brooklyn Rail, and The Recluse. His collages have been exhibited at Bushel (Delhi, NY), and Some Other Ways--his collaborative poetic project with Jessica Baran on the first month of Trump's presidency--was part of the World Chess Hall of Fame's Imagery of Chess exhibition. Read More Read Less
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