Naomichi Yamamoto

Naomichi YamamotoDr. Naomichi Yamamoto is a Professor in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at Seoul National University (SNU). His current research interests are in the areas of i) aerobiology, ii) environmental microbiome, and iii) One Health. His reserch team uses genomics approaches to analyze environmental DNA (eDNA) to investigate the ecological roles of organisms, including airborne organisms, in the environment and their impacts on human health. Before joining to SNU faculty in 2012, Dr. Yamamoto worked at Yale School of Engineering as a postdoctoral fellow supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). He received his B.Eng. degree in applied physics from Waseda University, M.S. degree in environmental health sciences from UCLA, and Ph.D. degree in environmental studies from the University of Tokyo. Read More Read Less

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