Naomi Brickel

Naomi BrickelABOUT NAOMI...Naomi Brickel has spent her adult life dedicated to raising her large family, volunteering in her community, and a career in non-profit service. In her work, Naomi helps families in the practical and emotional aspects of navigating disaility service systems across the lifespan, building capacity with professionals for more inclusive communities, and working with individuals themselves to promote their self-determination and empowerment. She is a wife and mom of six children (one in heaven) and lives in New Rochelle, NY where all of her kids attended the public schools.Naomi's resonating happiness is rooted in her awareness of the loving energy driving the universe and of the individual light and dignity of each person she encounters - lessons she learned in the process of grieving the sudden death of her blessed son Adam Read More Read Less

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Not to Spoil the Ending but Everything is Going to be Ok24 % NR
Publisher: Adamsworld
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17 Aug 2021
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