Nancy Olguin

Nancy OlguinNancy Balcazar Olguin was born in Lima (Peru), where she studied Economics. She has lived in the United States since 1983. She studied Pedagogy at California State University, Northridge. She has been working for the Palmdale, California school distrct for twenty-four years. During eighteen of these, she served as a Spanish teacher in an English-Spanish dual immersion program. Currently providing consultancy in Newhall School District, María Alvarado Lima High School (Peru) and practicing as a specialist (Dual Immersion Instructional Coach) in the same district of Palmdale, which she will always thank for having opened the doors to teaching, having appointed her as Instructional Coach, and recently give her the opportunity to share her strategies with K-8 Spanish teachers through her manuals and workbooks. Read More Read Less

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