Nancy Mock

Nancy MockDr. Nancy Mock has over 30 years of experience in the Humanitarian, Food Security and Public Health fields. She is a co-founding member of the Tulane Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy, an Associate Professor in International Health and Internatinal Development as well as past Interim Executive Director for the Newcomb College Center for Research on Women at Tulane University. Dr. Mock was Associate Director of the Center for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (Latin American and Caribbean), a program funded through the Office of Naval Research to provide technical support to the United States Southern Command in the area of disaster preparedness and response. Dr. Mock co-led the development of INTERHANDS, a major training initiative, and provided mission support and lessons learned analysis. Additionally, as part of a separate USAID project, Dr. Mock co-directed the Complex Emergency Response and Transition Initiative (CERTI), a crisis coordination project that aims to prevent and mitigate conflict, improve timely and appropriate response, and offers support to populations affected by conflict in transition. She was a chief architect of the United States Agency for International Development's (USAID) Famine Early Warning Systems Project (now FEWSNET) and serves on numerous advisory boards concerned with food security. Other professional achievements include serving as a member of the Advisory Council for the World Vision Hurricane Relief Assistance Program and also as a member of the 2006 US Centers for Disease Control Expert Panel on Rapid Needs Assessment, Post-Disaster. She has also served as a technical advisor and course developer for international NGOs and other academic institutions in the area of public health in emergency settings. Dr. Mock continues to oversee the development and management of international projects valued at over $4.5 million dollars annually. She has been Principal and Co-Principal Investigator for multiple international programs and is currently involved in the development of a school of Public Health in Rwanda. Read More Read Less

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