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Nancy Koziol

Nancy KoziolNancy Koziol is a lover of all sorts of fermented drinks: wine, beer, cider. She began writing about wine for two emerging wine blogs: Winedom: The Wine Dominion and Wine Turtle. She has also traveled extensively through various wine-producing climats touring, tasting, and learning. She enjoys following the news from emerging regions (Chinese and Indian wine anyone?), has a particular interest in how climate change affects the wine world, and is fascinated by the politics of wine. While particularly fond of South American reds, her current favorite is Brooklyn Oenology's Orange Gewuürztraminer. She works in Digital Marketing as chief content writer for a small firm and is working toward her first fiction publication. Nancy lives in Bennington, Vermont with her husband, two dogs, a cat, and a lot of beer. Read More Read Less

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Joy of Brewing Cider, Mead, and Herbal Wine35 % NR
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02 Oct 2018
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