Nakkita Trimble

Nakkita TrimbleNakkita Trimble has been instrumental in the re-claiming of Nisga'a tattooing methods of skin stitching and hand poking - techniques her ancestors would have used. Her tattoo apprenticeship began in 2011 in a tattoo shop where she learned on a coil mchine, eventually using a rotary. Now Nakkita practices freestyle tattooing done with needle and ink. Nakkita's first tattoo exhibit was a solo-exhibit at the Nisga'a Museum in Grenville, British Columbia in 2014. The exhibit featured the oral history of Nisga'a Tattooing prior to contact. The oral history was passed down from Freda Morven and the Council of Elders comprised of some Matriarchs and Chiefs of the four main villages in the Nass Valley. The exhibit featured the first modern recorded oral statement of Nisga'a Tattooing practices, techniques, and ceremonies. Nakkita is currently exhibiting her art form at the Bill Reid Gallery. Nakkita's tattoos connect generations, helping individuals reconnect with their identity while developing pride and curiosity for their family histories, stories and traditions. With her intuitive understanding and practiced skill in tattooing, Nakkita's work has been featured widely in public presentations, radio and print publications. Read More Read Less

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