Myrna Etheridge

Myrna EtheridgeDr. Myrna L. Etheridge brings the pain of dyslexic childhood and the experiences of many losses and victories to you through her account of what she found out had to be done after her loved husband of thirty years died. Her compassion was increased b the loss of two sons with another genetic disease. The loss of Grady left an emotional hole in her heart. She wrote from that pain and the memory of the loss is still part of her past. Yet, she lives, ministers, and carries on regular life. She's the eldest of four siblings. Two of them are dead. Her parents are deceased too. Yet she ministers peace and healing to many in many settings. Some even call her Momma Myrna. Her work includes eighteen years in public schools and college teaching. She and Grady ministered together and were called a pair of docs because they held so many college degrees. She has lived out of the USA for six years and ministered in thirty-five nations. As a master teacher, she taught college classes in biology, private music, and Bible. Her hobbies became her life. She writes from her experience, the hurts, and gained insights. She lives life fully each day. Dr. Myrna believes life is only lived one instant at a time and needs to have hope and joy. She is active in two local churches and ministers to many individuals as well as to groups. She takes a short vacation playing her piano and recommends five-minute mini-vacations. She has hope and shares it here. Read More Read Less

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