Munjireen Sifat

Munjireen SifatDr. Ahmareen (Pearla) Baten and Dr. Munjireen Sifat are sisters who grew up with their brother in the hometown of Little League, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. As second-generation Bangladeshi immigrants in a rural town, they may not have exactly "fit i," but they excelled in school and are avid book lovers. Dr. John Lynes and Pearla (Sami's parents) met at work. John's ancestors came to America over the course of hundreds of years and fought in the American Revolution. Pearla and Munjireen's parents grew up during the Bangladesh Liberation. Their family blends American and Bangladeshi cultures. Munjireen and Pearla hope to spread the message of acceptance and love by highlighting how their family integrates both cultures into their day-to-day experiences using examples from Sami's life. Read More Read Less

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Sami Ghumai (Sleeps)NR
Publisher: Tellwell Talent
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08 May 2023
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