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Muhammad H Z

Muhammad H ZMuhammad H.Z is a Malaysian author who spent his childhood in the Middle East after his family moved there when he was just five years old. Now a student, he wrote his first book at the age of sixteen. In school, he loved English and classes that reqired a lot of writing.He developed a deep passion for reading and eventually decided to write his own stories. His book, "The Sand of Tears," was inspired by his experiences and surroundings in the Middle East, including the deserts and the rich cultural life of the people.Muhammad H.Z enjoys staying indoors and, unlike his siblings who is sporty. He has other hobbies such as playing the piano, watching television, and singing, and other activities which made him the extraordinary human he is today. Read More Read Less

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Sand Of Tears11 % NR
Publisher: Draft2digital
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06 Aug 2024
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