Monique Seibel

Monique SeibelMonique Seibel has worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, copyeditor, writer, and calligrapher. After earning a degree in art, she spent a few years teaching, an experience that convinced her to return to her lifelong passion. She was lucky enouh to combine art with what she calls her hobby-linguistics-ina job that called for graphic design as well as editing and writing. After twenty years in the tech world, Monique opened a calligraphy business, specializing in handwritten invitations and wedding program design. Now retired, she continues to draw, paint, and volunteer her skills. She is an avid tennis player. Maddy and Mia: TriPaw Tales is the second children's book she has illustrated. As a mother andgrandmother, Monique felt a connection with Maddy, and thanks to her own little Havanese-Bichon, with Mia as well. A native of New York who has also lived in the mid-Atlantic states and the Midwest, Monique and her husband have resided in the bay area for many years. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Belle Isle Books
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13 Jun 2022
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