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Monique Jamet Hooker

Monique Jamet HookerBest described as a culinary pioneer, Monique Jamet Hooker is a chef, teacher and author with a lifelong enthusiasm for food and travel. Trained in Europe, she moved to New York where she worked alongside of and made lasting friendships with chefs lie Jacques Pepin, Pierre Franey, Andre Soltner and Madeleine Kamman. In the early 1970's, she moved to Chicago where she has operated a successful cooking school, catering company, and restaurant and written an Award-winning book, Cooking With The Seasons, A Year In My Kitchen, with Tracie Richardson. She also hosted a TV Show called The Seasonal Kitchen. Currently, she lives in western Wisconsin. Monique has been guiding tours since 1978. She is a member of: Les Dames d'Escoffier, The Vatel Club, IACP, AIWF and The Chicago Culinary Historian, among other associations. She wants everyone to learn how to relax with food as well as experience the joy and satisfaction of preparing meals from fresh ingredients. She travels extensively, teaching and lecturing throughout the United States. Read More Read Less

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Cooking with the Seasons17 % NR
Publisher: Bounty Press
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01 Aug 2016
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