Mohammad Nasr Esfahani
Mohammad Nasr Esfahani is a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering in the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology since 2019. He received his PhD in 2017 focusing on fabrication and modelling of nanomechanical devices at Koç University, ad continued as a Research Fellow in the same research group after achieving the TUBITAK-BIDEB fellowship.
Mohammad then joined Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick, in 2018 lecturing on Solid Mechanics and Finite Element Analysis.
He joined the University of York as a Lecturer in Engineering Programme in 2019. His research interest is directed toward developing materials, devices and systems to solve engineering problems by microsystems and nanodevices. During his research, he has introduced a series of new technologies for high resolution sensors and actuators.
Doctor Esfahani demonstrated the application of those technologies to i) new-generation, ultimately small accelerometers, ii) nanoscale frequency references, and iii) a new Micro-Nanoscale integration technique. Accordingly, he has been developing new computational modelling approaches to consider the high surface energy contribution for nanostructures with engineering applications.
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