Mohammad Moghimi Ardekani

Mohammad Moghimi ArdekaniSince 2013 Dr Ardekani has been actively involved in the design and optimisation of new technologies and devices in the fields of renewable energy (solar thermal technologies in particular), thermal energy storage, and multiphase-based (including nanfluid) heat sinks. He has published 55 articles in top peer-reviewed journals and prestigious conference proceedings, one book, two book chapters and a webinar in collaboration with different research institutes and companies around the world including Imperial College London (UK), the University of Clarkson (USA), and the National Technical University of Athens (Greece). He has secured research grants for, managed, and delivered funded projects worth over £1.7m. Previous to his academic career, he worked in solar thermal, oil, gas and petrochemical plants for over 4 years. His scientific activities have earned him the international Green Talent Award from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) which introduced me as a top young scientist in Green Energy in 2015, while he was also named a Promising Young Researcher (Y2 rating) by the National Research Foundation of South Africa. He is on 3 editorial boards and a reviewer of 19 notable accredited journals. Read More Read Less

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Inverse Heat Conduction and Heat Exchangers12 % NR
Publisher: InTechOpen
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02 Dec 2020
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