Mitchell NeubertMitchell J. Neubert holds the H. R. Gibson Professorship in Management Development at the Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University. He received his Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Iowa in 1998. He has published articles nd papers in several major management journals and practitioner publications such as the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY, LEADERSHIP QUARTERLY, and BUSINESS HORIZONS. Dr. Neubert teaches both undergraduate business students and executive M.B.A. students. Among many areas in which he serves, he is the Chavanne Chair of Christian Ethics in Business at Baylor University, a board member for the Servant Leadership Institute of Central Texas, the Academy of Leadership Development and Civic Engagement, and the Better Business Bureau, and an academic reviewer for journals such as the ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL. Dr. Neubert also is an active consultant with leaders in both small and large corporations and non-profit organizations. Read More Read Less
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