Miriam Klein Shapiro

Miriam Klein ShapiroBorn in Springfield Massachusetts and raised in Buffalo, New York, Miriam lived in White Plains New York for the greater part of her life. She was the daughter of Rabbi Isaac Klein, a leading Conservative Rabbi and his wife, Henrietta, a Conservativemovement lay leader and educator. Dr. Shapiro received bachelor degrees from Barnard College and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, a master's degree in Social Work from Columbia University and a doctorate in Bible Studies from the Jewish Theological Seminary. She taught at the State University of New York and the Academy for Jewish Religion. She also served as a Hebrew school teacher, day school principal, Board of Jewish Education curriculum specialist and Director of Education at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires. She held many key lay positions for the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and the Union for Traditional Judaism. She received numerous honors and awards and published many scholarly articles throughout her lifetime. Her deep love of Israel was expressed in her frequent trips to Jerusalem where she and her husband Saul enjoyed their second home. She was grateful for her long marriage to Saul and for their five children, children-in-law and nine grandchildren. Read More Read Less

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