Mireia Alegre Ruiz

Mireia Alegre RuizMireia Alegre Ruiz is a Head of UX/UI and is proficient as a UX Product designer and Illustration - Visual designer with motion graphics and video editing skills. Mireia has more than 20 years working experience sketching, illustrating and creating mcro animations from scratch since old Macromedia Flash days. With a Graphic design background, she made a move and specialized in digital design back in the early 2000's. Since then, she has been working for big international advertisement agencies and Barcelona based start-ups as a Product designer. Always with the user in the centre of the picture, and based in Design thinking and Agile methodologies, her principles are very clear: Make people's lives easier. Read More Read Less

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UI Animations with Lottie and After Effects2 % NR
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30 Jun 2022
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