Milan Kumar Lal

Milan Kumar LalDr. Milan Kumar Lal, Doctor in Plant Physiology, working in the area of abiotic, abiotic stress and nutritional aspect of potato and other starchy crops at ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, India. He is an expert worker in the area of aiotic stress such as heat, drought salinity and heavy metal. Moreover, he is also working on the aspect of the effect of biotic stress such as fungus, virus and bacteria on plant physiological, biochemical and molecular responses. Apart from this, he also has expertise in the nutritional and quality aspects of starchy crops, including resistant starch, glycemic index, phytonutrients, functional fermented foods and beverages, bioactive compounds, and various processing techniques to enhance these components in food products of starchy crops. His findings have generated more than 90 publications in the international peer-reviewed journal. Read More Read Less

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Melatonin in Plants: A Pleiotropic Molecule for Abiotic Stresses and Pathogen Infection37 %
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Melatonin in Plants: A Regulator for Plant Growth and Development37 %
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Abiotic Stress in Underground Vegetables5 % NR
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Mar 2025
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Sustainable Production of Root and Tuber CropsNR
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