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Mike Q Lamborn

Mike Q LambornMike was born in 1960 in Leigh-on-Sea, where he has lived ever since. Married his beloved Sally in 1991, two children Emily and Toby, who he couldn't be prouder of. He feels so lucky to be cocooned in a family full of love and laughter.Belfairs High chool followed Chalkwell Hall Juniors. An average academic, but loved sport. A County swimmer, a successful judo competitor, a clumsy basketball player. But rugby was his passion, attending England schools summer training at Bisham Abbey two years running. A member of the Royal Ocean Racing Club sailing many offshore races across the North Sea, English Channel and beyond, including the Fastnet race. Mike took up cycling as he got older making more great friends and visiting various riding locations around the country. Mike started in insurance in 1978 after spectacularly failing his A levels. Enjoying steady career progression, he completed his MBA in 2003. After a successful and fun forty-two years in London, he happily retired in 2020. Unfortunately, six months after retirement, Mike suffered a stroke, leaving him with no movement on his left side. So started his greatest challenge, reteaching his brain and body to do things he'd always taken for granted. Plenty of ambitious goals, including typing one handed to write this book. Read More Read Less

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Breathing With TreesNR
Publisher: Michael Lamborn
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06 Nov 2023
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