Mike NoriegaMike Noriega is a Miami-born native, Christian entrepreneur, compelling author & spirited communicator. On June 24, 2021, the Champlain Towers South condo building in the Miami town of Surfside, Fl suffered a devastating collapse in the middle of thenight. As most its residents were sleeping soundly, 55 apartment units imploded in an avalanche of rubble. 101 precious people fell. Only 3 miraculously survived. Mike and his family arrived to the scene within minutes, where his sweet grandma, Hilda "Kima" Noriega was buried in the rubble. His beloved family matriarch was one of 98 lives lost in the 3rd-deadliest structural failure in U.S. history. In the unfolding aftermath of this heart-wrenching incident, Mike was thrust into a position he never expected. He was appointed by his father, Carlos Noriega, as the designated spokesperson for his family. Carlos, who previously served as the prominent lead investigative commander in the infamous Gianni Versace murder case, later became the Miami Beach Police Chief and now serves as the Chief of Police for North Bay Village PD. During the colossal devastation of the largest non-hurricane related emergency response in Florida's history, Mike became a highly publicized voice of faith & inspiration. In the face of unimaginable loss, he's been an entrusted voice for his family, his grandmother, and a broken community by communicating their experiences, struggles, and unwavering faith. He's been featured in numerous high-profile interviews on major media networks that have reached a worldwide audience through Fox News, CNN, ABC World News Tonight, NBC, Univision, Yahoo, and CBS. These interviews provided a platform for Mike to share his transformative message, where he's emerged as an established Christian author, thought leader, & motivational Christian speaker. He wrote his inaugural book, Uncollapsable Soul, to answer one question - How do you endure a broken heart without it crushing your spirit? He believes suffering doesn't DEFINE you. Rather, it's meant to REFINE you. He helps people just like you to: ➔UNCOVER hope through heartbreak➔ RECOVER their faith after falling, ➔ DISCOVER purpose from your calling. Spanish edition of Uncollapsable Soul (Alma Incolapsable) is now available! Read More Read Less