Micki Boas

Micki BoasMicki Boas is an entrepreneur and brand strategist who has worked with a range of iconic brands (Nike, Samsung, the ACLU, United Nations, and Fusion) to find bold, provocative, creative, and holistic solutions for broken systems. Little did she know hat the broken American education system would become her biggest project.

When Boas' older son was diagnosed with dyslexia, it took her four years of legal battles that drained her savings, battered her self-esteem, and pulled her family apart to find an education that fit his needs. Ultimately, she found herself asking questions about the ways in which our government and our schools fail to provide all children with equal access to quality education.

As a result, she created Invisible Red Tape, a thought leadership forum designed to expose the inequalities in education for children with dyslexia, create public awareness around the problem, and crowdsource an insider's guide to practical solutions. She has also developed GLINDA, an affordable subscription-based, e-advising platform that connects special needs parents with dedicated advisors who save parents time, money-and their sanity. Read More Read Less

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