Michelle Shores

Michelle ShoresMichelle Shores is a forensic nurse examiner and the Program Director for Palomar Health Forensic Services in San Diego County, and on occasion she works as a forensic nurse in Riverside County for Forensic Nurses of SoCal. The Forensic Health Servics program in San Diego is a nationally accredited child advocacy center that provides acute care services to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. Michelle is 1 of 19 certified pediatric sexual assault nurses and 1 of 50 certified adolescent/adult sexual assault nurse examiners in the state of California. Michelle has recently implemented a pilot program through a county grant at Forensic Health Services to perform 688 forensic medical evidentiary exams for victims of domestic violence, strangulation, general assault, and elder abuse and assisted in developing the San Diego heath CARES initiative. Michelle graduated with her bachelor's degree in nursing in 2005 and began working as an emergency department trauma nurse in 2006. In 2012 Michelle earned master's degrees in nursing and in business. Michelle was a clinical nursing instructor, is a certified emergency nurse, International Association of Forensic Nurse Board certified SANE-A (adolescent/adult) and SANE-P (pediatrics) and a certified trauma nurse instructor (TNCC). She has been a long standing member of the International Association for Forensic Nursing and is vice president for the southern California chapter, a member of the Academy of Forensic Nursing, and has worked as a forensic nurse for over seven years. She is the 2017 winner on the San Diego County SART with a HEART Award, the 2018 Riverside County SART Nurse of the Year award, the 2018 San Diego Domestic Violence Council Lifetime Achievement award, and the November 2018 CARE award that recognized her as a leader in the community and excellence as a forensic nurse examiner. Read More Read Less

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Domestic Violence and Nonfatal Strangulation Assessment46 %
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