Michelle Louise Spratt

Michelle Louise SprattAfter John's passing of Vascular Dementia in 2019 Vicky Donoghue continues to share an extremely close relationship with her three children and their families. "My family are my saviour and mean everything to me" she says, "and nothing on earth surpases my endearing love for them all. They have always been 'there for me'."Michelle Spratt is an author and mother of two children. Come On In is her first memoir and book. She lives in Berkshire, UK, with her husband and children. Together with her mum, Vicky, they share their story of a family hit by Vascular Dementia. Their goals in sharing their story were to reach anyone needing to feel less alone, and to also educate those on the physical and mental changes in Vascular Dementia that are not as readily discussed or understood. Vascular Dementia goes beyond a name or face forgotten; it affects many physical abilities as they observed with their loved one. The book depicts Vascular Dementia as a phase of life lived by both sufferers and carers. Read More Read Less

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