Michael P Brawn

Michael P BrawnMichael Brawn was born in a London slum in 1958. His father was a wartime spy, at times working in the military sphere, and at times in the political. His mother was an Irish aristocrat born and brought up in one of the castles of the Dublin Pale. Hecomes from a long line of published authors, including his late radical feminist sister Anna Livia, going all the way back to Jane Porter's `The Scottish Chiefs' of 1809. As a child he experienced the collapse of the British Empire first hand. His father's involvement in Zambian independence exposing him at a tender age to African politics. Mass political rallies in the back garden becoming his new normal. Later in Swaziland he welcomed the Swazi King to his county's independence day celebration. Teenage years were wasted in London's New Wave of the 70s. As an adult Michael worked as a consultant for Microsoft for many years despite, as he says `never being all that technical. Author of the delightful and magical children's picture book `Pangur Ban First cat, first kitten since time began, his first full length novel `Flaming Margarita the story of Patterson Curse' is a fictional account of a life fully lived. Read More Read Less

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