Michael Orzolek

Michael OrzolekMichael D. Orzolek is Professor Emeritus of Vegetable Crops, Department of Plant Science, The Pennsylvania State University. Since 1981, he had a three-way appointment - 60% Extension, 22% Research and 18% Teaching. Since his retirement in June, 2012 he has kept active conducting applied field research and moving his office to the Horticulture Research Farm, Rock Springs, PA. He has done extensive research on stand establishment, plastic mulches, high tunnels, weed management and tillage systems. Mike is still the current Director of the Penn State Center for Plasticulture and the CP High Tunnel Research and Education Facility at Rock Springs, PA.. Dr. Orzolek formerly was Extension Vegetable Specialist at the University of Delaware (1974-81). He received his B.S. in Biology from Alliance College, his M.S. in Horticulture from West Virginia University, and his Ph.D. in Horticulture/Botany from the University of Maryland. Read More Read Less

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