Michael L Spangle

Michael L SpangleFor more than two decades, Michael Spangle, Ph.D. has provided training or consulting for a wide variety of organizations including J.D. Edwards, Time/Warner, I.B.M., Inflow Inc., the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The National ssociation of Realtors, and the U.S. Navy, as well as schools, churches, and hospitals. He served as Director of Graduate Studies in Applied Communication and Alternate Dispute Resolution at the University of Denver and Director of Faculty and Curriculum for the School of Professional Studies at Regis University. In addition to a Ph.D. in Speech Communication from the University of Denver, he completed an M.S. in Education from Kearney State College and an M.Div. from Luther Theological Seminary. He teaches university courses in negotiation, mediation, facilitation, team communication, and leadership. He is co-author of two other books, including Collaborative Approaches to Resolving Conflict, also published by Sage. Read More Read Less

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