Michael L FaberA convert to Catholicism at Easter Vigil 2016, Michael Faber had been a lay preacher in various Baptist, Presbyterian and Charismatic churches since 1993. He graduated from Fuller Seminary with a Master's Degree in Bible and Theology in 2012, where h learned Greek and Hebrew and the art of textual criticism. He is now active in parish ministry, including RCIA, Cursillo, and CFF and looks forward to preaching some missions for other parishes this Summer. He is also a practicing California Attorney. Prior to his conversion, he ministered at Vietnamese American Churches and rest homes. He speaks reads and writes Vietnamese. He has published the evangelical version of this book in 2013, and another evangelical book Keys to a Happy Life: The Beatitudes According to Jesus. As a Catholic he published the print version of Seven Words of Jesus from the Cross and now this rewrite of his first book, Meditations on the Lord's Prayer, Catholic Edition. In this edition, Mr. Faber takes what he published before as an evangelical and interacts with the riches of the Catholic Church as expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church to share once again from the Catholic perspective some of the riches contained in our favorite prayer. Mr. Faber's writings have also been translated into Vietnamese and Telugu, being distributed in both Vietnam and India. Mr. Faber would love to hear from you. You may contact him at mfaber@elkgrove.net. Read More Read Less
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