Michael John Pole

Michael John PoleMichael John Pole was born in Auckland, New Zealand. On completion of his college education, he worked briefly for the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation, then travelled overseas. During this period, his interest in photography developed.
Afterhis overseas sojourn, he worked in a creative capacity for an advertising agency on his return. Eventually, he would establish his own commercial/advertising photography company which he ran for thirty years. Clients included major brands and agencies such as BMW, Toyota, Kodak, Saatchi, JWT, banks, insurance and airline companies. Work commitments took him to Europe, USA, Asia and the Pacific. After the author and work colleagues survived a light plane crash in December 1997, he came to know Christ. In later years, he was invited to serve on the board of the Ruel Foundation which he and his wife, Linda, actively support. In 2011, the family moved (with Sam) to Queensland, Australia, where they still reside today. Read More Read Less

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