Michael J Flagg

Michael J FlaggMichael J Flagg has two previous publications 'From Punch and Judy to Haute Cuisine-A Biography of the Life and Times of Arthur Edwin Simms 1915 to 2003 published by Authorhouse in 2011, about a Head of two UK centres and the Pusa Institute in Delhi ndia, of particular interest to students of Hospitality Management. It was described as the only publication so far to give a detailed and comprehensive account of the growing importance of hospitality education in the UK in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in a 473 page colour book also on Kindle. A second publication is entitled 'The Learning Curve of a First Time Self Published Writer on Line', published by Xlibris in 2014 is also on Kindle and runs to 97 pages. It is an account of the creation of the first book through self publishing. Michael has been involved in theatre all his life, mainly in a non professional capacity and now, as a retired university lecturer, he continues to act and direct. Collating this life story of Michael Wheatley-Ward has been a welcome opportunity for him, as it has set out to answer many questions about the professional theatre which have alluded him all his life. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Michael J Flagg
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10 Feb 2022
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