Michael Granzen

Michael GranzenMichael Granzen, Ph.D. is a writer and activist with a call to transformational teaching and ministry. He grew up in New York and was captain of his high school baseball team before going to Colgate University and studying philosophy and religion wit Coleman Brown. He worked as a community organizer in Boston and Oklahoma, then went to Harvard Divinity School. He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and has worked in multiple cities in the United States and Scotland.

He studied social ethics at Drew University and received a Ph.D. with honors in 2011. He has lectured at Harvard University, Drew University, Colgate University, Princeton University, New Brunswick and Princeton Theological Seminary. He moderated the ordination of the Chris Hedges in Elizabeth with James Cone and Cornel West giving the charges. He is actively involved in interfaith work for justice and is co-founder of NJ Clergy for Justice. He was in a front page article of the New York Times, "Blue Shadows in Elizabeth."

Granzen lives in New Jersey with his wife, the Rev. Karen Hernandez-Granzen, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Trenton. They have two daughters Mikaella and Olivia. He is an avid bicyclist, lover of baseball, good conversation, and books. His favorite quote, "The heart has reasons that reason cannot know." Read More Read Less

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Breaking Through the Plate Glass Window-Prophetic Fragments25 % NR
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Breaking Through the Plate Glass Window-Prophetic Fragments24 % NR
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